Adobe Illustrator


For this mini project, I had to open the model in AutoCAD and copy out the 3D model lines and adjust the line weights to demonstrate it as a 3D object along with adding shadows and highlights.


For this mini project, I took 3 orthographic views of the object and skewed them in Adobe Flash.  I then took the skewed object back into Illustrator and connected everything together, added different line weights and shadows to the object and to the ground through projection.

For this project, I had to clip out a 3" x 5" section of a comic book cover and trace the lines in various weights and added color with varying gradients to try and match the image to the original.
For the final project, I decided to challenge myself and illustrate this beautiful house I took a picture of.  There were lots of details that had to go into the creation of the windows and stone to make it pop.